Submit your site to The Font Addiction Ring!

Before submitting your site to this ring,
please be sure that you meet the following
ring criteria:

Please be sure to upload the Ring graphics to your own server! Also, please be sure that your site does not in ANY way promote adult only links or advertisements!

The Font Addiction Ring is for font addicts of ALL kinds; and was created to bring us Font Addicts together. I noticed there are only a couple of font Webrings, so VOILA! The Font Addiction Ring has been born.


Please feel free to contact the Ringmaster with any questions.

Go ahead now...Submit your site, you Font Addict!

Site Title:
Site URL:
Your Name:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.